How to Create High Converting Legal Practice Area Pages

Attorneys today aren’t just mastering law — they’re also learning the art of digital marketing. Many have websites, blogs, and even a regular cadence of articles being published each month. While this is a factor in driving more traffic to your site, it won’t guarantee quality leads, let alone clients. And that’s the exact problem […]

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6 Reasons Your Law Firm’s Website is Losing Organic Traffic

attorney law site losing keyword rankings

The legal industry is crowded with new graduates and solo practices vying for your prospective clients’ attention. And the best way to compete is to be where most people search for an attorney — the world wide web. So what did you do? You built a website, optimized it with landing pages targeting each location, […]

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Attorney Marketing Strategies (Ranked & Reviewed)

attorney marketing strategies

Attorneys today are facing two problems: an influx of competition from solo practices and one too many tire-kicking prospects. So not only are cheaper attorneys attracting your would-be clients. You also have a string of incoming calls, from “potential” clients who will never convert. If you’re like most law firms, generating leads isn’t the issue. […]

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Lead Generation for Lawyers: A 2023 Guide

how to get more legal clients for law firms

Aside from dealing with difficult clients and long hours, lawyers say that the most challenging aspect of their job is generating new clients (source). The lack of new clients is not due to a lack of trying. Law firms spend millions of dollars on marketing and advertising campaigns to try and generate new business. The […]

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How to Optimize Your Avvo Profile to Generate Leads

10 ways to improve copy

Up until 1976,  it was considered highly unethical for lawyers to market their firms. 45 years later, things have changed – there’s endless places marketing channels for your practice (some have even gone as far as advertising on rolling papers). Luckily, the internet has given options for attorneys like SEO, PPC and social media to […]

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